Information Service

What you need :Oa new cfd broker – to keep your new account until retirement age
What you need :Oa new basic education – to minimize basic beginner mistakes
What you need :Oa new online newspaper – to become better informed

Birth Name “Damir Galić”

Founder, Director and/or Info Broker Agent of Današnja Valuta Ltd.

My native name is “Damir Galić” – I was born on August 29, 1978, in Stuttgart, former West Germany meanwhile Federal Republic of Germany. I am a son of two now deceased immigrants from the former Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I am a Croatian citizen – my fatherland. And I realize myself as a young German Croat – Germany is my home country. Since I can remember (as a child), I started to think – I started to talk to mysellf, have felt like a host here in Germany. I would describe my political views as (religiously) conservative, freedom-loving – internationally Federal Republican. As a Roman Catholic friend of Jews. I’m currently not married (yet) – don’t have any children (yet).

Info Broker Agent

Especially For Employed Persons (Around The Globe)
Who Have Another Main Job To Secure Their Livelihood

Having to work full-time every day in order to be able to make a living. And also to deal with the price action on the financial market (especially with the help of CFDs). This is a demanding lifestyle that not only deserves respect. Rather, it also provides support on a daily basis. But words alone don’t help. We need concrete action steps that promise success, especially if we have another main activity on weekdays. And that’s where I see my function – your meaning, purpose and benefit.


Turn Your
Perceived Disadvantage
Into An Everyday Advantage

– Especially If You Have A Main Job
And Want To Make Money On WallStret

I’m certainly not the best at analyzing and evaluating data or opinions on WallStreet. Let alone (not) acting based on it. There are certainly better paid analysts, opinion makers and/or trading account holders with even better portfolio value developments. I don’t want to deceive you – I have not only more than tripled my trading account within a short period of time, from a small four-digit sum to an equally small but nice five-digit sum. No – I also had to suffer a margin call twice. And this is where the rub lies. Because I know from my own experience not only how it feels, but also how sweet it tastes, when your hard-earned money multiplies several times over. And I still have the bitter taste of the margin calls on my tongue when I think about that time. And that’s what drives me. That’s why, more than two decades ago, a broker once referred to me as »Aaron«. Because back then I was happy to help my fellow human beings help themselves. Although I actually wanted a job from him on Wall Street – and he didn’t give it to me for personal reasons that I won’t go into here.

88Sometimes I think that this is my fate now.
Although I don’t actually believe in fate – I believe in self-determination. But in my case, as in the case of most people, it is probably something ambivalent. Where one causes the other, one influences the other interactively. Without ever knowing it – as in the case of egg and chicken. Anyway, in any case,
not to manage my own million-dollar portfolio on Wall Street – but rather to inform my fellow human beings who manage several million individually, but together as a whole. That seems to be my fate. I always just talk about informing – because I don’t have a license as an asset manager. Not to mention I trained as a banker. “I’ll inform you – you decide!” That’s it. This is probably secretly may be also the unspoken interest of my religious Catholic family, who would have preferred me to become a (Catholic) teacher, trainer and/or missionary anyway. As well as my fellow Jewish friends, who have repeatedly told me to continue over the last few years. To offer help for self-help – to inform people. And assured me that it would pay off in the future, in whatever form.

Be that as it may, it`s not about me – it`s about you!
It’s about you – about every fellow human being who has to do a full-time job every day to ensure the prosperity of their family. And beyond that wants to be top informed about the WallStreet, about the price actions on the financial market – want to daily know what drives the so called markets. In order to be able to learn to manage his hard-earned money even better. That is the purpose of this information page – my help for self-help. That is the purpose of this information page – my help for self-help. I don’t want to and can’t guarantee you profits – but I can increase the likelihood that it will work better in the future.
How? Continue reading, all DEVISE 2 DAY Homepages!

I have been involved with WallStreet,
with price action on the financial market and with CFDs for more than half my life.
And now, at 45 years old (in spring 2024
), I feel like a WallStreet veteran in the best sense of the word. I learned a normal job as a retail clerk, as a salesperson. After my training I even had my own small shop for a short time – and since then I’ve been working more or less in various sectors. I have currently been working in a supermarket for 3 years – and serve interested people with meat, sausage, cheese and/or fish. After I had previously sold cell phone contracts – but the business collapsed during the corona virus outbreak. And I came up with the idea of ​​working in a supermarket. Because eating and/or drinking will always happen – eating and drinking must be done.

That’s why I think I’m predisposed to give interested people help to help themselves
when it comes to WallStreet – when it comes to the price action on the financial market.
Because I know from daily practical life experience, on the one hand, what it means to have to work 8 hours a day in order to secure the family’s livelihood. And on the other hand, still want to be able to take the time to stay well informed about the price action on the financial market – without the family being neglected. Incidentally, over the last decade I have mainly cared for my mother privately at home in our rented apartment in my hometown of Stuttgart (Germany). Because she was in need of care – after her husband, my father, left us in May 2008 due to a short-term, painful battle with cancer. Before she finally stopped breathing in my presence in 2019 – and left me too. That’s why I learned to appreciate the value of life, the value of every service, the value of every product, let alone the (not) value of every price action on the financial market, on WallStreet. And that also practically pragmatic in everyday life, between 2010 and 2015 – as I also worked as a volunteer for some cfd online brokers. I gave internal lectures, created and/or formulated 4XSetUps Trading Capabilities for the first times, commented on current events, and/or analyzed some certain economic areas, individual listed companies, shares and/or exchange rate pairs. Some cfd online broker founders and/or managing directors from back then are still in contact with me today – they have known me (and also known my mother) for over a decade or two. So you can assume that everything I’m telling you is something I actually experienced. I added up and put together my knowledge from my own experience – even if I sometimes changed the names of those around me (broker owners or employees) as well as the time and place. Because because some fellow human beings didn’t want me to make our experiences public.

Whatever! What I mean by that?
After all, there are only 24 hours in a day. And this is exactly where I see my chance, your chance, to take advantage of our common supposed disadvantage of having another main job on weekdays, and still want to be able to deal with WallStreet professionally. That is the meaning and benefit of me – my help to help yourself. And that with the help of the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. With the help of your one-year training plan. And/Or last but not least with opening a new 2nd trading account – a new cfd opening a new trading accoun. So that together we can understand in concrete terms whether you have actually made a profit from your new old knowledge – also thanks to my humble self.

Therefore, read this page »Aaron« of this »DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage« to the end first.
And/Or also read the second page »Info Broker Agent«
of this »DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage« all.

Then visit my »Newspaper DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage«.
And subscribe to the free daily DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Also read all 3 main pages – »Aaron«
, »That`s Why« and/or »That`s Why« – so that you not only get to know me better, but also understand why my “DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper” actually brings you something every day. If you read every single D2D Edition every day.

Visit also your »Training DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage«.
And implement your one-year training plan – which is available to you for free on Google Drive. Also read all 3 main pages – »Aaron«
, »That`s Why« and/or »That`s Why« – so that you not only get to know me better, but also understand why “Your D2D Training Plan” actually brings you something every day.

And last but not least visit »Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage« too.
And open a second new cfd trading account with an another new cfd online broker of your choice. Also read all 3 main pages – »Aaron«
, »That`s Why« and/or »That`s Why« – so that you not only get to know me better, but also understand why opening a new cfd trading account not only brings something to me, let alone our cfd online broker, but also brings numerous benefits and/or advantages you too.

Take the time to get to know me »Aaron« better!
take the time to learn to help yourself – thanks me as an »Info Broker Agent«!
That’s the purpose of my humble personality – of DEVISE 2 DAY – you are worth it too!

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

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office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«


phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

phone : + 44 (20) 7650 05000
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.office : London E1 8PY, UK
.office : more information about us on »Broker D2D Homepage«

137 Editions

were published during past year 2022

23 4XSetUps

were formulated during past year 2022

+ 9 and/or – 14

we had booked during past year 2022

+ 94.32 %

we profitaded during past year 2022

In 2022 and/or 2023 I tested the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Thats why, at first I only distributed them to friends, relatives and/or brokers I knew, analysts and/or other financial market participants – without having previously made a written financing agreement with any CFD online broker. Which had the advantage that my future financiers had no costs. And I could write and structure the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper with the content the way I liked. As all my readers liked it best. In the second half of 2023, I raised both – the structure of the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper and/or the content to an even higher broader level. And I separated from my previous potential CFD online brokers – even before we had reached a written financial agreement together. Because I was made aware of TradingView – and that’s why I chose 9 other CFD online brokers. And I would like to expressly emphasize at this point that this was the most decisive reason. Because I don’t want to and can’t say a negative word about my previous potential CFD online brokers, not only at this point, but also about the way they deal with myself, their CFD trading offerings, as well as the learning content and information offerings. I have not asked “AdmiralMarkets”, “AvaTrade”, “Dukascopy”, “eToro”, “FxPro”, “Instaforex”, “IronFX”, “Plus500” and/or “XM”, for an affiliate partner program in 2022 and/or 2023 either. Because first I wanted to test whether I was getting any positive feedback from my readers. And or whether I was even able to formulate a positive 4XSetUps trading capability balance sheet for my readers. Which can be proven in retrospect at the beginning of 2024. So I have now decided on “ActiveTrades”, “”, “easyMarkets”, “eightcap”, “FXCM”, “”, “FXOpen”, “pepperstone”, and/or “WHselfinvest” as affiliate partners. And I’m incredibly happy that they are now funding our DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. And that together with “TradingEconomics” and or also “TradingView”.

92 Editions

were published during past year 2023

23 4XSetUps

were formulated during past year 2023

+ 9 and/or – 14

we had booked during past year 2023

+ 94.32 %

we profitaded during past year 2023

Današnja Valuta Ltd.

As an Info Broker Agent, I earn money with my Današnja Valuta Ltd., which I founded and run with my cousin, by giving interested people around the world the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account at a CFD online broker. On behalf of Današnja Valuta Ltd., we have concluded an affiliate partner program with 9 different serious CFD online brokers. And we will be rewarded with a sum when someone open a new CFD trading account. And/Or we get a sum when a certain number of transactions are made. In addition, we have also concluded an affiliate partner program not only with all of our 9 different serious CFD online brokers, but also with TradingView and/or Trading Economics. Who also finance our daily published D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively. And reward us for it every month. Because for their account holders, even our clients, we write and distribute the D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively every day, day by day. A broker acts either himself, by instructions of his account holders, and/or on behalf of other people. And is therefore the link between each account holder on the one hand and the stock exchanges on the other. Thats why private individuals and/or institutions cannot trade CFDs without a CFD broker. So my purpose and benefit, as an Info Broker Agent, lies in the fact that, i.e. even like with the help of this Training D2D Homepage too, I try to inform all interested people so competently that they – yes, you too, I mean exactly you, yes, you are meant – make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade).

Damir Galic
Današnja Valuta Ltd. Founder and/or Director

I am primarily responsible for the content of our daily published DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (up to 250 times a year). As well as for the training content on the Training D2D Homepage. As an Info Broker Agent, I try to provide all of my readers with competent information so that they can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). In addition to selecting and evaluating information, I also decide for us (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) with which affiliate partners we (not) do business with. And by mutual agreement, put a very assured future prospect in the foreground – even if it brings with it low income in the short term. Because I have set myself the goal of making my readers more competent. Which is why you also have the opportunity to try to literally capitalize on your newly acquired knowledge via our Broker D2D Homepage. By opening a new second trading account – a CFD trading account – on Broker DEVISE 2 Homepage. Thats my job – your meaning & benefit.

Marko Horvat
Današnja Valuta Ltd. Co-Founder and/or Secretary

I am primarily responsible for the distribution of our daily published DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (up to 250 times a year). As well as for the training content on the Training D2D Homepage. As the main person responsible for problem-free sales, I ensure that all D2D information reaches interested parties. So that we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) can provide all of our readers with competent information so that they can make better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). In addition, I also ensure that our monetary business flow runs smoothly; this means that invoices are both paid and created on time. Because our priority is to have a very secure future prospect – even if this brings with it low income in the short term. Because I have set myself the goal of get all the information we provide at any time you want. And that on all D2d Homepages – Training D2D Homepage, Newspaper D2D Homepage, and/or Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage. Thats my job – your meaning & benefit.

On our D2D Homepage we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) provide information about WallStreet, about the financial market, about CFD trading. We act as an information service that reads, analyzes and/or evaluates publicly available informations. So that based on this, we can provide informative support to interested people who are trying to find their luck with the help of CFDs on the financial market, even on WallStreet. Hopefully competent support from our side. Thats why you will primarily only get basic informations on the Training D2D Homepage. In order to first read everything fundamentally on your own in an autodidactic manner. On the Newspaper D2D Homepage, however, there is our D2D Online Newspaper. Which seems up to 250 days a year. And with their help you will be informed about the financial markets, about the WallStreet pragmatic, practical. So that from now on you can be competently informed every day – if you want it too. While on Broker D2D Homepage we are also given you the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account. Where you can try to capitalize on everything you have learned from us, in the truest sense of the word. And with the help of us, especially Aaron, as your supportive companion. In the role of an Info Broker Agent – when you open a new CFD trading account. And also Marko – who will ensure that Aaron’s information always reaches all of our clients who have opened a new CFD trading account on our Broker D2D Homepage. Open also one – and we will stay connect, thanks the wonder of the internet, until 24h a day, 5 days every week, connect.

Damir Galić

Founder, Director and/or Responsible of
the Info Service Content of Današnja Valuta Ltd.

I have found that it gives me the same satisfaction as a trainer when my fellow human beings benefit from my information on WallStreet and/or the financial market, especially with the help of CFDs! What could be better than turning it into a business? That’s why I founded Današnja Valuta Ltd. with my cousin (son of my father’s sister). Help for self-help – that’s what is available on our »Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage«, on our »Training DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage«, and/or on our »Newsletter DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage«.

Marko Horvat

Co-Founder, CoDirector and/or Responsible for the
Distribution of the Info Service Content of Današnja Valuta Ltd.

I have found that I also get satisfaction when those around me benefit from the information on WallStreet and/or the financial market! Admittedly not from my information – but thanks to the mediation and dissemination of my person, in the function as the main person responsible for the distribution of information, with the help of the Internet. That’s why I co-founded Današnja Valuta with my cousin (son of my mother’s brother). So that the help for self-help – which is available to you at any time, on the Internet.

Yes, man!
How I love Ray Dalio’s wise words
– his view of Wall Street, the financial market, especially not just price action, but rather the ambivalent interactive consequences on society – and that in a historical context.
It’s like in sports – like in team sports
– although he prefers the machine as an analog form of organization.
You learn in defeat!
Who cares when everything goes according to plan and plan and plan? And you win, you win, you win – realize what you want, what you want, what you want…

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage

What Our Visitors Say About Us

Write us a Email – incl. which city (country) you come from and and we will consider publishing your thoughts here may be too

Contact Us

Don’t be afraid to get in touch with us at once.
Contact us freely – before you trip yourself up by asking questions. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding my humble person “Aaron” regarding the price action on the financial market (especially with the help of CFDs).
Whether praise, acknowledgments, and or other confirming positive good words, but also negative criticism, mistakes on my part, and/or other things that you have to complain about. I will try to have always an open ear for you – and also take the time for you. And answer all inquiries as quickly as possible immerdiately. I am happy to help interested people about the price action developments on the financial market (especially with the help of CFDs). And I also get paid for it, in the form of an affiliate partner contract, from up to 9 cfd online brokers – »ActiveTrades«, »«, »easyMarkets«, »eightcap«, »FXCM«, »«, »FXOpen«, »pepperstone« & »WHSelfInvest«. And/Or I also get paid for, in the form of an affiliate partner contract, from »TradingEconomics« & »TradingView«. Because I`m absolutely convinced of my business partners as cfd online brokers, as well as an information provider, let alone as an information platform. As do they from me.

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Basic Informations About This “D2D Homepage”
This D2D Homepage is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price actions on WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the Wall Street. So that we – in the form of our Današnja Valuta Ltd. – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If D2D Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) hereby request you to leave this D2D Homepage immediately.